Friday, 08 December 2017 18:22

    Invent and Make a Personal Safety Device


    Students identify and address a relevant need with impactful technology. They design and develop a personal safety device for themselves or others.


    • Students will be able to:
    • Identify user needs and translate them into design needs
    • Use and understand the design process
    • Design a device with both hardware and software
    • Choose methods for processing data, e.g. motion
    • Iterate and improve design solutions
    • Improve problem-solving and communication skills

    Required Prior Knowledge:

    Basic familiarity with the engineering design process is of help but not required.

    Published in Lesson Plans


    Students create a heart-rate monitor that they can wear during different activities. They use the device they created to conduct experiments and learn about their coronary system. 


    • Students will be able to:
    • Understand how heart rate relates to physical activity
    • Conduct experimental research
    • Develop tools for scientific investigation 
    • Practice the engineering design process
    • Understand how pulse measurements are taken by wearable devices, e.g. Apple Watch or Fitbit
    • Design a device with hardware and software
    • Use methods for processing data

    Required Prior Knowledge:

    Familiarity with technology is of help.

    Published in Lesson Plans
    Saturday, 25 November 2017 22:21

    Design and Engineer Your Own Wearable


    Students practice the engineering design process to address a relevant need in their social environment with impactful technology. Students identify a need and derive appropriate design criteria to inform their design. 


    • Students will be able to:
    • Identify user needs and translate them into design needs
    • Use and understand the design process
    • Design a device with both hardware and software
    • Choose methods for processing data, e.g. count steps
    • Iterate and improve design solutions
    • Improve problem-solving and communication skills

    Required Prior Knowledge:

    Basic familiarity with the engineering design process is of help but not required.

    Published in Lesson Plans
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